Jumat, 14 Maret 2014

Benefits of study english for managing management


Human resource management involves managing people in an organization. The last few decades have seen some drastic changes in the strategies employed by various companies for this purpose. Earlier, it had limited functions which was mainly confined to paperwork related to hiring and payment of the staff in the company. However, now, it is understood that the most valuable resources of any establishment are its employees, as they play a crucial role in accomplishment of the aims and objectives of a business. Therefore, the focus of HRM is to deal with the manpower and all the decisions related to it that can have an impact on the productivity.

Importance of HRM

An organization cannot build a good team of working professionals without it. The key functions of the HRM team include recruiting people, training them, performance appraisals, motivating employees as well as workplace communication, workplace safety, and much more. The beneficial effects of these functions are discussed here:

Recruitment and Training
This is one of the major responsibilities of the human resource team. The HR managers come up with plans and strategies for hiring the right kind of people. They design the criteria which is best suited for a specific job description. Their other tasks related to recruitment include formulating the obligations of an employee and the scope of tasks assigned to him or her. Based on these two factors, the contract of an employee with the company is prepared. When needed, they also provide training to the employees according to the requirements of the organization. Thus, the staff members get the opportunity to sharpen their existing skills or develop specialized skills which in turn, will help them to take up some new roles.

Performance Appraisals
HRM encourages the people working in an organization, to work according to their potential and gives them suggestions that can help them to bring about improvement in it. The team communicates with the staff individually from time to time and provide all the necessary information regarding their performances and also defines their respective roles. This is beneficial as it enables them to form an outline of their anticipated goals in much clearer terms and thereby, helps them execute the goals with best possible efforts. Performance appraisals, when taken on a regular basis, motivate the employees.

Maintaining Work Atmosphere
This is a vital aspect of HRM because the performance of an individual in an organization is largely driven by the work atmosphere or work culture that prevails at the workplace. A good working condition is one of the benefits that the employees can expect from an efficient human resource team. A safe, clean and healthy environment can bring out the best in an employee. A congenial atmosphere gives the staff members job satisfaction as well.

Managing Disputes
In an organization, there are several issues on which disputes may arise between the employees and the employers. You can say conflicts are almost inevitable. In such a scenario, it is the human resource department which acts as a consultant and mediator to sort out those issues in an effective manner. They first hear the grievances of the employees. Then they come up with suitable solutions to sort them out. In other words, they take timely action and prevent things from going out of hands.

Developing Public Relations
The responsibility of establishing good public relations lies with the HRM to a great extent. They organize business meetings, seminars and various official gatherings on behalf of the company in order to build up relationships with other business sectors. Sometimes, the HR department plays an active role in preparing the business and marketing plans for the organization too.

Any organization, without a proper setup for HRM is bound to suffer from serious problems while managing its regular activities. For this reason, today, companies give a lot of stress for setting up of a strong and effective HRM

Kamis, 13 Maret 2014


Definisi Reported Speech

Reporter Speech adalah kalimat tidak langsung yang digunakan untuk melaporkan apa kata orang lain dengan memasukannya dalam kalimat yang dibuat sendiri.
Penjelasannya :
1)      Statement
Pada penggunaan jenis kalimat ini, kata sambung yang digunakan adalah that. Namun kata ini bisa dipakai atau juga tidak dipakai.
Contoh dialog :
Resa      : Iam a vocalist
Regina  : What did Rasa say, Resya?
Resya    : Resa said that he was a vocalist.
Catatan :
§  Yang telah diucapkan resya adalah kalimat tak langsung karena Resya mengulang apa yang diucapkan oleh resa kepada regina
§  Karena bersifat pengulangan ucapan antaran resa dan resya maka tense yang digunakan dalam bentuk past atau lampau.
       Contoh kaliamat :
                                I.            Joseph said, “My Family will go to Jogya today.”
                              II.            Joseph said (that) his Family would go to Jogya today.

                            III.            “I have phoned the police,” Mark said.
                            IV.            Mark said that he had phoned the police

2)      Request/command
Pada request/command memiliki dua kelompok kalimat tidak langsung, yaitu :
a.       Positive Request/Command
Kalimat tidak langsung ini adalah kalimat permintaan/perintah yang tidak dimulai dengan don’t, seperti open the book!, be carefull, dll. Untuk kalimat jenis ini kata sambung yang digunakan adalah to sebelum kata kerja.
Contoh :
                                                        I.            “open the book!” justin asked
                                                      II.            Justin asked me to open the book.

                                                    III.            Arif said,”open the door, my son!”
                                                    IV.            Arif asked his son to open the door.

b.      Negative Request/Command
kalimat tidak langsung ini adalh kalimat permintaan yang dimulai dengan don’t. dengan kata sambung yang digunakan adalah not to untuk menggantikan don’t.
Contoh :
                                                        I.            “Don’t  shout!”, Hendra asked
                                                      II.            Hendra asked me not to shout him

                                                    III.            Mrs. Putri said,”don’t be noisy, Ayu!”
                                                    IV.            Mrs. Putrid asked Ayu not to be noisy.

3)      Questions
Mempunyai dua jenis kelompok yaitu Yes/No Question dan Wh-Question.
a.       Yes/No Questions
Adalah jenis paertanyaan yang membutuhkan jawaban ya atau tidak. Kata sambung yang digunakan adalah Whether atau If. Namun yang perlu diingat adalah susunan kalimat dalam kalimat ta langsungnya harus menjadi normal kembali artinya setelah kata whether/if , maka harus dimulai dengan subjek, predikat, dst. Kita dapat juga menambahkan or not pada kalimat tak langsungnya. Namun kata or not hanya mengiringi kata whether dan tidak if. Kata whether lebih sering digunakan dari pada If.
Contoh :
                                                        I.            Mrs. Putri  asked,” Are you my new secretary?”
                                                      II.            Mrs. Putri asked the girl whether she was his secretary or not. (Bentuk 1)
                                                    III.            Mrs. Putri asked the girl whether or not she was his new secretary. (Bentuk 2)
                                                    IV.            Mrs. Putri asked the girl whether she was his new secretary. (Bentuk 3)

                                                      V.            “Can you help me?”, asked chris
                                                    VI.            Chris asked If I could help him.

b.      Wh-Question
Adalah jenis pertanyaan yang tidak dijawab denagan ya atau tidak, melainkan sebuah pertanyaan seperti How old are you, Where do you live? Dll
Kata sambung yang digunakan adalah kata Tanya itu sendiri. Susunan setelah kata Tanya itu kembali seperti kalimat positif dan tanda Tanya juga harus dihilangkan.
Contoh :
                                                        I.            “how old are you?”, Steven wanted to know.
                                                      II.            Steven wanted to know How old I was. (Bukan How old was I)

                                                        I.            “syahla asked jihan,”Where do you live?”
                                                      II.            Syahla asked jihan Where she lived.

COMPOUND SENTENCES--Simple Compound and Complex Sentences

Compound sentence atau kalimat majemuk adalah merupakan gabungan dua kalimat sederhana atau dua klausa utama atau lebih. Compound sentences terdiri dari simple compound and complex sentence.


  1.  The rain fell, and the wind blew.
  2. Shinta likes to cook, but Fitri loves singing.
  3. We played volley ball, and then we went swimming.
  4. Mrs. Lutfi is a house wife, but Mrs. Edison is a career woman.
Dalam kalimat majemuk setara tersebut di atas masing-masing independent clause mempunya subjek dan predikat sendiri. (The rain fell. The wind blew). Masing-masing subjek punya kata kerja masing-masing dan setara (sama-sama berada di main clause).
Perhatikan kata-kata sambung yang dipakai untuk menghubungkan dua independent clause sehingga menjadi kalimat majemuk setara
  Perhatikan kita menggunakan tanda "," (koma) sebelum kata-kata sambung tersebut karena kedua kalimat tersebut setara. Kata sambung lainya yang dapat digunakan, yaitu:

Disamping itu
Lagi pula, tambahan pula
Oleh karenanya
Jika tidak
Namun demikian
Meskipun demikian
Lebih lagi
On the other hand
Di lain pihak
Apabila kita menggunakan kata-kata di atas, maka tanda titik koma (;) sebelum transisi tersebut dan tanda koma (,) setelah nya. Perhatikan contoh kalimatnya:
  1. Mr. Lutfi is the richest man in Samarinda; moreover, he is very generous.
  2. Our team tried the best to win; nevertheless, they finally lost the game.
  3. This method is very good; accordingly, you must use it.
He has been absent very frequently; therefore, the teacher decided to disqualify them for a test.
sumber : rendiceria.blogspot.com
             : mygrammer.blogspot.com