Selasa, 20 Juni 2017

Reading Tips Untuk TOEFL!

Nama  : Fadlan Pramudito
NPM  : 13213052
Kelas  : 4EA17
Tugas SoftSkill Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

Here are ten tips to help you prepare for the TOEFL reading test. These tips, tricks and strategies will help improve your overall TOEFL score.

1.      You Need to Read for the TOEFL
 Ø  It might sound obvious, but the best way to practice for TOEFL reading test is to read as much as possible beforehand on as wide a variety of topics as possible.
 Ø  Current affairs, health, sports, it doesn’t matter. Also, cover all the media in your reading materials like books, online texts, and magazines.
 Ø  This is really a great long term strategy. If you think you might take the TOEFL someday, start reading in English a little bit every day, right now!

2.      Keep a Vocabulary NotebookAs you read to study for the TOEFL
 Ø  keep a notebook and a dictionary by your side. Every time you discover a new word, write write it in your notebook to study later.
 Ø  This will help you develop a strong vocabulary that should be a great help to you when you sit TOEFL’s reading test.

3.      Practice Past Tests
 Ø  You need to always remember that TOEFL is a standardized test. This means it always follows the same format. Take TOEFL reading practice tests to help prepare. You’ll be much more comfortable with the test this way.

4.      Practice Staying Within The Time Limit
 Ø  When you take practice tests, set a timer so that you can be sure you’re doing each part within the 20 minutes you normally get during the test. Remember that in TOEFL iBT the software will cut you off when you reach the time limit so it is critical you learn to work within it.

5.      Learn to Skim
 Ø  In English, skimming involves reading a passage quickly and understanding a text by extracting the important details at a glance. This is a crucial skill for the TOEFL reading test. Practice doing this with passages as you get closer to taking the exam.

6.      Practice Summarizing
 Ø  Never presume you know the meaning of a text while you are reading it. Always stop at the end of each paragraph and try to summarize what you have just read (even if it have to whisper it to yourself).

7.      Highlight (if you need to)
 Ø  Highlighting important data like vocabulary, dates and places might help you relax and order your thoughts. Go ahead and do this while you are reading if it helps.

8.      Learn To Guess Unfamiliar Words
 Ø  When you are faced with a new word what do you do? Panic? Consult a dictionary? Neither of these responses will help you in your exam. Learn to guess the meaning of new words from the context of a passage or the words and paragraphs which surround it. Reading will help with this.

9.      Learn To Pick Out Pronouns
 Ø  When you speak, you know there is a big difference between the pronouns he, she and it. It is the same when you are reading. Learn to pay attention to the pronouns in a text so you know to whom or what it is referring, especially if there are multiple characters in the text. This could be the difference between you answering a question correctly and incorrectly.

10.  Relax
 Ø  order to really capture the meaning of a text, you need to be relaxed so that you can focus on it completely. If you are very nervous you might miss important, and maybe obvious, points. Develop relaxation techniques like deep breathing during the test or even a yoga session before it! Whatever keeps you calm and works for you should not be ignored.

Referensi :

Selasa, 13 Juni 2017

three short stories ( Soft Skill )

Nama : Fadlan Pramudito
NPM : 13213052
Kelas :  4EA17
Tugas Bahasa Inggris ke-4

All Just a Memory

I'll tell you about my best friend, I have a friend from the early entrance to college we are always together love and grief. We have 8 people and I take each of their shared sense of community. each semester we are going through together and we finally separated in semester 3. where we have to have new classes to continue lecturing us. We had our place of rest for kostan, vent, have fun and learn the meaning of togetherness. We finally stopped to ngekost, due to problems between us. This is all changing. togetherness and camaraderie in our test and start disappearing care and compassion among us have already disappeared. hope they realize that at times it used to be is the most beautiful moment with them.

Like There Is Missing

I will tell you a little of my life's journey. started when I was called by the Almighty God to step on his house that is haram, Mecca. I am so thankful I am including people that Allah almighty chose for beribah. I really can't believe it and one of my dreams in life can be achieved i.e. worship of ' umrah. gratitude and thanks to God Almighty, and it is not the beginning and the meaning of this story but it was a picture of what I feel right now. at the time I went home to Mecca. the nature and ugliness that I did used to be unchanged. I think I might add to the sins I've made in my life. as my worship journey does not have its own meaning and significance in my life. I feel geslisah and feel life is nasty to me. various problems I face alone, I feel the people who have always been close to me they all disappear and go away. What does this all of the time I do it. forgive me Almighty God above that I do. allow me to feel happiness and gratitude to you.

Anyone Looking For Me?

I'll tell you about a person. He is a man of 2 brothers. She is accustomed to from small left her parents to work out of town. the habits that made him know that he should be familiar with such circumstances. search for tau itself about parental affection. the taste is always happy he felt anything he wants he always get. but as she grew up she felt deep pain on himself, a sense that he has never felt, and all is lost once in her life. sad, alone, sick, always menghampir when she thought about the things that make him feel slumped., a sense of worry about the future will always haunt him. people who do not find it to be useful and feel no one wants him, desperate to feel him ever complaining to his God. If there is anyone looking for I am the Lord when I no?. I always protect and give me strength to this oh my God my destiny

Sabtu, 03 Juni 2017

Strategi Menjawab Soal Structure dan Written Expression Tes TOEFL

Strategi Cara Menjawab Soal Structure dan Written Expression Tes TOEFL

Structure and Written Expression adalah bagian kedua yang diujikan dalam tes TOEFL. Ini dimaksutkan untuk mengetahui kompetensi Anda data bahasa inggris. Pertanyaan yang diujikan dibagi kedalam dua model yaitu structure question dan written expression question. Durasi waktu yan disediakan hanya selama 25 menit. structure question digunakan untuk menguji kemampuan Anda dalam memahami struktur kalimat dalam bahasa inggris dengan benar. Pada model ini menggunakan format sentence completion yaitu melengkapi bagian kalimat yang masih kosong. Sedangkan written expression question Anda diminta mengidentifikasi bagian yang tidak tepat dalam suatu kalimat.

Dari bagian Structure and Written Expression, terbilang bagian soal yang lebih mudah dari bagian yang lain dari Tes TOEFL yaitu Listening dan Reading Comprehension. Untuk Strategi Cara Menjawab Soal Listening sudah dibahas pada artikel sebelumnya. Karena Structure and Written soalnya tidak terlalu rumit, hanya mengisi bagian kalimat yang kosong dan mengidentifikasi kalimat yang salah. Walaupun demikian tidak bisa dianggap enteng juga karena pertanyaan-pertanyaan bisa menjebak dan jika tidak mempelajarinya sebelum-sebelum tes bisa jadi tidak mengetahui jawabannya sama sekali.

 Untuk  mempersiapkan diri mengikuti tes TOEFL khususnya menyelesaikan soal Structure and Written Expression pada tes tersebut, berikut adalah beberapa strategi yang bisa dicoba :
Strategi Umum

1. Pahamilah bentuk-bentuk perintah (direction) pada masing-masing bagian (part) dengan baik sebelum hari H
2. Kerjakanlah soal-soal structure terlebih dahulu
3. Lanjutkan pada soal-soal Written Expression

Strategi Khusus
Cara Menjawab Soal Structure

4. Pertama-tama perhatikan kalimat yang dipertanyakan dalam soal
Ingat tujuan dari soal-soal structure adalah mengetahui atau menentukan kawaban apa yang paliing tepat untuk melengkapi kekurangan soal. Sehingga dengan mengamati secara cermat akan mengatahui kekurangan dan apa yang dibutuhkan untuk melengkapinya. Disini Anda perlu melakukan identifikasi terhadap komponen kalimat. Yaitu, mana yang merupakan subjek (kata benda), prediket (kata kerja), objek (kata benda), kata keterangan, dan seterusnya

5. Perhatikan masing-masing jawaban yang tersedia, pilihlah yang paling tepat untuk melengkapi kaliamat yang dipersoalkan
Anda harus memperhatikan masing-masing jawaban pada pilihan jawaban (A), (B), (C), dan (D). Dengan melihat dengan seksama Anda akan segera mengetahui pilihan mana yang tepat untuk mengisi kekurangan dalam kalimat yang ditanyakan.
Tentu saja Anda perlu untuk membekali diri dengan kemampuan grammar yang memadai. Jadis angat dianjurkan mempelajari buku-buku grammar

6. Jangan pernah mengeliminasi sebuah pilihan jawaban dengan hanya melihat pada jawaban tanpa melihat kalimat soal
Secara umum, masing-maing pilihan jawaban adalah benarnya bila ia berdiri sendiri.Sebuah pilihan jawaban akan diketahui benar atau salah setelah dimasukkan kedalam kalimat.

Cara Menjawab Soal Written Expression

7. Pertama-tama perhatikan kata atau kelompok kata yang digaris bawahi dan temukan secara cepat bagian yangtidak tepat.
Sebagian soal pada bagian ini bisa diidentifikasi dengan hanya melihat kata atau kelompok kata
Contoh :
The final class presentation is the importantest
Tanpa membaca kalimat secara lengkap dengan hanya melihat yang bergaris bawah, Anda bisa mengidentifikasi mana yang tidak tepat :
Jawabannya adalah importantest karena bentuk superlative dari Important bukan importantest melainkan most important

8. Bila soal yang Anda hadapi tidak bisa diidentifikasi dengan hanya melihat kata atau kelompok kata yang bergaris bawah, segeralah membaca kalimat secara lengkap
