Minggu, 20 April 2014

family ( soft skill bahasa inggris )


This weekend was one of those really good weekends - we didn't have much planned, the weather was great, and we enjoyed good friends and good times all around. Friday nights putri has dance class with a few other girls on our street, so right after dance we all headed to our local watering hole in the downtown part of our town. We were able to get tables outside so we enjoyed relaxing and eating and the kids didn't have to be on their best behavior since we were outside. Saturday mornings are my long run mornings and I got to run with yasmin and another new-ish neighbor to our street. I was doing 10 and they hung with me for 6 miles which was great.

 And the new neighbor has twins (a boy and a girl) who are Irfan’s age, so we set up a playdate for later that day. After the run and eating lunch at home, Ray headed out with Irfan and I headed out with putri. Since Ray had been on two weekend camping trips recently with putri, we figured some bonding time with the girls was in order, so he took irfan to a park and I took putri ice skating (I had purchased a groupon months ago that was about to expire for ice skating). We headed back home in time for irfan to have a playdate, and for putri to have a friend from school over as well.

The other local bar/restaurant in our town was having "Rocking at the Crossing", with bands playing, bounce houses and such. After dinner we headed there and putri's friend's parents met us there. We hung out until after 9:00 at night. On the way home, But I have saved the best for last! Ray's company helps with marketing and selling houses in a neighboring golf community in town, and they were having a family festival on Sunday with a 5K race. Ray, myself and Ray's brother Budi were all signed up to run. Budi had been mouthing off for the past month that he was going to beat me and that he was in better shape than me. Ha!

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